Psychiatric Disorders

Depression can significantly impact a person's sexual expression, firstly because sexual disinterest is a common symptom of depression. Furthermore, a person may feel isolated from society and if in a relationship, from their partner, which will continue to have a negative impact on the relationship. Sexual satisfaction also decreases. Initially, some people find it difficult to deal with depression. Some anti-depressant medication may decrease libido and delay orgasm. However, not all classes of anti-depressants affect sexual desire in the same way. It is therefore important to discuss different options with a doctor. Alternatively, psychotherapy may also be effective in dealing with depression and its impact.

Anxiety is related to a number of sexual disorders, including premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, anorgasmia (inability to orgasm in those with typical female anatomy and physiology), decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased arousal, and hyper sexuality (sexual addiction).

Help can be sought from a doctor who can prescribe a number of anti-anxiety medications, or a therapist or counsellor. The latter can help the person understand the cause of their anxiety, how this is impacting their life, and how to manage it.